Ross-on-Wye Civic Society

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Ross-on-Wye & District Civic Society newsletter Autumn 2007 (number 93)
Article by Heather Hurley (Vice President)

Local history researchers may not be aware of a valuable source of Ross history contained in the Man of Ross Weekly Newspaper published in the 19th century by J W F Counsell. In 1854 he printed the Man of Ross Miscellany & Local Advertiser which during the following year changed its format to become a more useful weekly newspaper. An interesting two hours may be spent viewing the microfilm copies of the Man of Ross Weekly Newspaper from 1855 to 1866 at the Hereford Record Office - reference X/170-180.

Civic Society members will appreciate that through the efforts of Jon Hurley and myself the society purchased these films and deposited them at the record office in 2001 as recorded in the Ross Gazette: "The films of the old Ross newspaper which have lain dormant for so long can now be examined in the Hereford Record Office in Harold Street, at least until a permanent home can be found for them in Ross". The paper features local, national and international news, public notices, auction sales, situations vacant, properties to let, railway time tables and many more items of interest.

In 2001 Jon Hurley described some of the contents in the Ross Gazette: "Gypsy Picnics, whatever they are, were regularly held on Wormelow Tump and the Annual Rook Shoot Dinner at the Harewood End Inn. There are outrageous cures for baldness, piles, chilblains, scabies and fatigue. And there are the solid news stories. The continuing reports of the building of the Gloucester to Hereford via Ross railway line". Also he added "There was a report on the River Wye Preservation Society. So nothing new then. And the awful accidents often involving carts and drink. Men falling asleep and pitching under the wheels, the description of their injuries graphic... .Men were fined regularly, for driving horses without reins. In other words sitting in the cart as the poor nags clumped their way home unaided".

For later news of Ross, the Ross Gazette from 1867 is available on microfilm at Hereford City Library and by appointment at the Gazette office.

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